Continuing educationDEGUM-certificate

DEGUM Module Echocardiography - Complex Vitia

Optimum combination of theory and hands-on exercises

The new module course “Acquired Vitia – Complex Situations” builds on the knowledge from the DEGUM basic and advanced courses.

On the one hand, the aim is to discuss complex situations in the assessment of acquired vitia (e.g. low-flow low-gradient aortic valve stenosis, degeneration of a biological valve prosthesis) and to raise awareness of common errors and possible solutions to difficult questions.

On the other hand, the second day of the course focuses on raising awareness for recognising previously undiagnosed congenital vitia in adults. It is also about the assessment of adult patients with common congenital heart defects if they present unplanned/emergency outside their centre (e.g. when travelling, due to a distant place of residence, etc.).

This is an introduction to the basics of echocardiography in adult patients with congenital heart defects.

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Continuing education
All information at a glance
CME points will be announced
Class Size
32 participants
Partner Institution
German Heart Center Charité
Target Group
Graduates of the DEGUM advanced course
DHZB Academy
All Appointments

We have put together an exciting program for this two-day course. Prerequisite for participation in the course is a completed DEGUM advanced course (3rd course after basic/advanced course) and thus a routine in the echocardiographic assessment of acquired vitia.

Focus of the program:

  • Aortic valve stenosis beyond the “normal flow high gradient” situation
  • Pulmonary valve diseaseStress echocardiography in vitien patients
  • High gradients across a biological heart valve
  • Shunt vitia
  • Tetralogy of Fallot
  • Transposition of the great vessels
  • Congenital diseases of the aorta and the aortic valve
  • Ebstein’s anomaly
Further information on the training program

The 2-day program starts on Friday, 11 October and ends on Saturday, 12 October 2024.

The training program will take place in presence at the DHZB Academy.

Book your course
Program TitleDateFormatPriceLanguage
DEGUM Module Echocardiography - Complex VitiaDate11. October 2024 - 12. October 2024FormatOn sitePrice500,00 €LanguageGerman
Book now
Scientific management
A new course from an interdisciplinary team
PD Dr. med. Matthias Schneider-Reigbert
Teilbereichsleiter interventionelle Echokardiographie DHZC CVK, DEGUM III Kursleiter
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Advanced training program
Further DEGUM training courses at the DHZB Academy
Your contact person
Contact us
Frau Luisa Gade
Kardiale Bildgebung
+49 30 4593 7155