Continuing educationCME-Certificate

Lange Symposium 2024

The Right Ventricle - the Dark Side of the Moon

Welcome to the Lange Symposium 2024. We look forward to welcoming you to our event on September 21st 2024 at dbb forum berlin.

You can expect an exciting program focussing on the ‘right ventricle’.


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All information at a glance
CME points requested
Partner Institution
German Heart Center Charité
dbb forum berlin

This year, we are entirely dedicated to exploring the intricacies of the right ventricle.

The highly diverse anatomical and pathophysiological features and adaptation mechanisms lead to sometimes unusual clinical scenarios and therapeutic approaches. With this symposium, we aim to provide insight into the realm of the right ventricle and attempt to refresh fundamental understandings of its role within the broader context of cardiac function.

This year’s symposium contributes to deepening this understanding and bringing together experts from around the world.

In collaboration with our esteemed national and international speakers and instructors, we eagerly anticipate an inspiring symposium and extend a warm invitation to join us in September 2024.

The complete program is available here for download.

Book your ticket here

Reduced tickets apply to: students, nurses, young forum membership, junior – AEPC.
There is no promotional code for this offer.

Program TitleDatePriceBooking time slotLanguage
Lange Symposium 2024Standard/RegularDate21. September 2024Price200,00 €Booking time slotbefore 15.09.2024LanguageEnglish
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Lange Symposium 2024Ermäßigt/ReducedDate21. September 2024Price150,00 €Booking time slotbefore 15.09.2024LanguageEnglish
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Lange Symposium 2024Standard/RegularDate21. September 2024Price240,00 €Booking time slotafter 15.09.2024LanguageEnglish
Lange Symposium 2024Ermäßigt/ReducedDate21. September 2024Price190,00 €Booking time slotafter 15.09.2024LanguageEnglish
Scientific Management
We welcome you to our Lange Symposium
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Felix Berger
Direktor der Klinik für Angeborene Herzfehler
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Prof. Dr. med. Titus Kühne
Leitung des Instituts für kardiovaskuläre Computer-assistierte Medizin
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Prof. Dr. med. Katharina Schmitt
Leitung Psychokardiologie I Entwicklungspädiatrie
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Prof. Dr. med. Stanislav Ovrutskiy
Oberarzt für Angeborene Herzfehler/Kinderkardiologie
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Contact person
Contact us
Heike Schultz
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
+49 30 4593 2810