Continuing educationDEGUM certificate

DEGUM Module Speckle Tracking & CEUS

Ideal combination of theory and hands-on experience

The DEGUM (German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine) defines clear guidelines for the organisation and certification of echocardiography courses. The courses at the Echocardiography Academy comply with these guidelines and are certified by DEGUM. This means that they meet the highest standards in terms of training and qualification.

Echocardiography is not only an indispensable basic diagnostic tool in clinical routine, but is also essential in therapy planning and implementation, particularly in the area of structural heart disease.

Advanced Training
All information at a glance
CME points requested
Class Size
30 persons
DEGUM certificate
Partner Institution
German Heart Center Charité
Target Group
DHZB Academy
All Appointments

Deformation analysis using speckle tracking has been an important tool in myocardial function analysis for years.
It is no longer limited to the evaluation of systolic longitudinal LV function, but also to the recognition of patterns in bull’s eye analysis to supplement the diagnosis of cardiomyopathies. In addition, speckle tracking can also be used to analyse the function of the complex right ventricle. Recent studies also suggest the benefits of atrial tracing. In our DEGUM Speckle Tracking Module course, we provide insights into the technique and the various applications for clinical routine. We will perform hands-on training at the workstation (2 people per workstation).

Continuing education

This training course is a two-day program. Find out more about the specific content here.

The training program will take place at the DHZB Academy.

Day 1 (Friday)
Day 2 (Saturday)
Choose your course date
Program TitleDateDurationFormatPriceLanguage
DEGUM Module Speckle Tracking & CEUSDate29. November 2024 - 30. November 2024Duration2 daysFormatOn sitePrice500,00 €LanguageGerman
Book now
Scientific management
We welcome you to our training program
Dr. Nicolas Merke
Oberarzt und Leiter Echokardiographie DEGUM III Kursleiter
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Advanced training program
Further DEGUM training courses at the DHZB Academy
Contact person
Contact us
Frau Simone Arts
Kardiale Bildgebung
+49 30 4593 3320